I can honestly say, I’m so grateful to no longer suffer from the dreaded Sunday anxiety. My journey as an entrepreneur wasn’t just about starting a business; it was about freeing myself from the stress and anxiety of a career that no longer fulfilled me. Sundays used to be a battlefield for my emotions—fear, stress, and anxiety would settle in every Sunday evening, robbing me of peace with my husband. I’d be so focused on preparing for Monday and the week ahead that I couldn’t enjoy the day, or even the weekend.
Leaving work on Fridays, my mind would already be in Monday mode. It wasn’t fair, to myself or my family. The real wake-up call came when I found myself sitting in the parking lot on Monday mornings, crying before clocking in. Despite pep talks and prayers, I was overwhelmed with depression, frustration, and anxiety. I knew I didn’t want to be there. But, I’d pull myself together, put on a brave smile, and power through the day for my students and colleagues.
It became a draining cycle that left me depleted, confused, and unable to fully enjoy life or communicate effectively in my marriage. I kept all that trauma inside, but deep down, I knew this wasn’t how God intended for me to live. It was time for a change.
Join me as I share my 7-year grief journey...
Thank God It’s Sunday!
Coach Trinette
